It’s been on my mind lately how paying attention to time isn’t always a good thing. Now I’m a firm believer in if you want something you’ll make it happen. It’s so crazy how sometimes we get in our own way when we’re capable of so much more. Also one thing that I’m sure everyone’s guilty of is comparing yourself to other people. With so much social media at our fingertips and more social media apps coming up it’s easy to doubt yourself. I’ve always thought of our generation as having our own “TV SHOWS” Just think about it everyone’s on Snapchat, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, etc. We always know what everyone’s up to these days or at least we show people what we want to see. When in reality we may really be at home snacking on chips, texting, doing whatever while you’re watching netflix. Now there is NOTHING wrong with that I repeat nothing!! It’s just I feel like sometimes we create these illusions and we lose sight of ourselves.
I’ve felt like I’ve been falling into this trap of feeling like I’m not good enough lately and I’m not afraid to admit it. I’ve always been hard on myself and with my birthday in December creeping up on me I’ve felt like I’ve yet to accomplish all my goals this year. That is until one thing crossed my mind.
You really are never too old to accomplish a goal! Also the more time spent on worrying about things is the less time you have moving towards a goal. It’s all so simple and yet it seems so hard. I guess it’s hard not to get a little jealous when it seems like everyone’s accomplishing milestones and yet I can’t even figure out what I’m going to eat for dinner (Am I alone on this one, anybody?). So it got me researching on how to be more successful and these are the points that stood out to me that I wanted to share.
  1. Celebrate your own accomplishments and celebrate others. We often forget that even just making little steps can count towards our goal. Think about what you’ve accomplished and give thanks to yourself! (Just don’t get cocky!)
  2. Count your blessings. Just looking at what you’re thankful can immediately brighten up your mood.
  3. On the Woody Show they had a segment regarding job making cuts. Well let’s fast forward to the part that stood out to me. Woody said, “What would you grade yourself as worker?” That hit me because that’s something I definitely need to put into perspective. I feel like that is something that will help me get back on track because sometimes we think we deserve more when in reality we need to check if we even do deserve it.
  4. Happiness is a choice. One of my friends always tells me this when I’m down and it is so true. You really do have to choose to be happy and you’ll eventually believe it.
  5. STOP saying there is no time! It’s true because we really do make times for things that are more urgent or enjoyable. Fall in love with your career/passion again and make the time! I promise you that you’ll be more thankful for the time you put in than the time you wasted.

Hope this helps anyone feeling the same! Also I leave you with the below quote. Because come on it’s fun to be mysterious and not let people’s opinions get in the way either!

Travel and tell no one, live a true love story and tell no one, live happily and tell no one, people ruin beautiful things.

Outfit Deets!
  • Dress by For Love and Lemons
  • Choker by Forever 21
  • Sandals from Fashion Q
  • Hat from LF STORES
  • Sunglasses by Wildfox Couture <3
  • Halter by VS Pink
  • Shorts from Fashion Q