Lessons are blessings

    2018 was such an exceptional year for me. I felt like this year I really focused on things that made me happy. Having depression and anxiety can be so frustrating. It feels like sometimes things aren't going to get better or when you finally start to feel good anxiety has a different plans for you. I'm not trying to seek pity at all but more so give you an idea of how my mind constantly is. With having both I find it extremely important to me to try and appreciate the things that are happening or that I have.

    One thing I learned this year is to not sweat the small stuff. I am the type of person to freak out quick if something is going wrong. Although, I still catch myself doing that at times I like to think of each situation as always having a resolution. Which is the truth when you think about it. Worrying only wastes time and time is of the essence. Thinking this way allows me to focus clearly so that I know what to do next.

    Don't be lazy!! Always do your best and make time for the things that you love. Chances are someone out there is doing what you love and they're getting it done while you're watching Netflix. It can wait your future can't! I found when I picked up my camera whether it be filming YouTube or taking photos I found myself the happiest. I love art and having a creative gene is a terrible thing to waste so I am making it goal in 2019 to make as much content as possible.

    When things get chaotic go for a hike or a walk outside. There is nothing like getting fresh air and seeing God's creation to remind you of the beauty of life. It really resets you and is a reminder of that there is such much more to life and to enjoy the life God has given us. Plus you can go outside for free and away from your phone which I think we can all use a break from.

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    Hey there, Hot TEA!

    Girl time for me is very important especially when all of your friends live in different area codes. I noticed the older you get the harder it is to compare everyone's schedules and pick a day. One of my best friends suggested we have a tea party at this spot called, Morning Lavender OC. As soon as I looked it up and saw how cute this place was of course I was down!

    Knowing the type of location we would be in we all decided to wear floral dresses. I happened to stumble upon on this cute little floral dress from Forever 21! I paired it with my Taupe Steve Madden heels in the style Lulla. I am obsessed with 70's style so when I found out Steve Madden had these 70s-esque cute wooden heels in taupe I knew I had to have them.

    When the day finally came I made my way over to one of my old hometowns Tustin where this cute little shop is located and met up with my girlfriends there. We reserved our tea party at 10am and from what I can remember I think you have your spot for two hours. As soon as you walk into Morning Lavender you're presented with so much cute girly decor and literally feel like you're living in an Instagram photo. You will find yourself saying, "Omg so cute" at least 100 hundred times while you're there!

    We had our tea party outside on the patio which is adorable and perfect for a sunny day. As soon as we sat down we were greeted by our waiter who was very attentive and also very helpful to accommodate our friend who has a nut allergy. Our tea party spread included: finger sandwiches, scones, a petite yogurt cup and a strawberry croissant. All the treats were extremely delicious and gone within seconds! We also got to choose a total of 3 teas, I believe since there were 3 of us. We ended up choosing the Earl Grey Lavender, Marrakesh Mint and Peaches & Cream. All three were phenomenal and it made me appreciate tea much more since I'm more of a coffee gal. We really enjoyed our time there and decided to check out the boutique inside once we were finished.

    My friend introduced me to lavender drinks and let me tell you I love them now! So you know I had to try the lavender latte while I was here, also because Lavender is in their name. I wish there was a location in LA because I would be getting one frequently if I lived close. It was so good and gave me a ton of energy. I will definitely be getting another one when I visit Orange County.

    The boutique was gorgeous and filled with so many eye catching outfits. I had no idea that Kim from Lace and Locks was the owner, which explains why this place is so cute! If you're looking for a good day date with your girlfriends I highly suggest visiting this place. It's the perfect place to have lunch, chat and shop with your friends!


    Morning Lavender OC in Tustin, CA

    Outfit Details:

    Floral Dress by Forever 21

    Lulla Heels by Steve Madden


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    Possible in Impossible

    This year I noticed a common pattern. Nothing seems to be going right.
    Not to be a downer but I don't know what it is but no matter how good things got this year I felt like something quickly follows where the happiness ends.
    Now I could sit here and complain but I felt like I learned a lot this year. I've been trying to stay positive and have faith. I noticed myself sometimes doubting God's plans because my plans were just not happening. I felt like giving up many times on my dreams but one thing that kept me going is the feeling of anything is possible. I have the tendency to be a HUGE dreamer. I really do believe that anything is possible if you put your mind to it. Also if you have faith in God and don't lose hope it may just happen or he'll lead you to something better.
    When you think about we all have the same amount of time in the day, the same number of days in the week and the same fears. Who wants it more?
    I believe that I am capable of more and I won't give up until I see my life come together more. I know God has a bigger plan for me and I can't explain the experiences I've felt when I learned to let go and let God take control. I guess what I am trying to say is don't let anyone ever tell you that you can't achieve anything. Go out and do something you've always dreamed of.
    Outfit Deets:
    • TOP: Brandy Melville
    • Skirt: Forever 21
    • Heels: Nordstrom Rack
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    What makes you...?


    It seems as if this question has been haunting me this whole year. Well not so much haunting but following me wherever I go. No joke I've been asked this in auditions, doing a quiz, improv, meeting people for the first time, etc. What can I possibly say without feeling cocky or even thinking of what answer I would pick? What would the Dos Equis man say??

    So this got me thinking...What does make me interesting?

    • My memory. I feel like my memory stores just about every bit of information. For some reason I feel like I remember everything and anything. It can be the littlest detail but sometimes it freaks people out to the point where I "forget" things if you catch my drift. In order to avoid feeling awkward.
    • I'm a huge dreamer. I have huge ambitions and love to always keep busy. Now I know there is a difference in keeping busy and actually doing work. I'd like to say I'm getting better at both.
    • I feel like I'm a pretty good listener. I truly love hearing about other people's stories because I always think you can pick up something from everyone. One thing I learned in acting is when you pick up different people's behavior/body language you can understand how people work. I find learning more about people fascinating since everyone has a different story to tell.

    Now I can sit here and try to name things but I won't. I feel like we were all made different for a reason and the little details about one another are interesting to find out. We're all special in our own ways and we need to never forget that.

    This week I challenge you to pick up something interesting about a friend, co-worker, stranger, etc and compliment that person. You might just learn a thing or two from someone. Life is too short to forget little things or to not learn more about people.







    Outfit Deets:



    SUNNIES: Soto Lifestyle Boutique

    BIKINI: L*Space

    SHORTS: Wildfox Couture


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    Fall-ing in love with Fall

    We are well into Fall but in California we are still feeling the heat of summer. I always joke around about how California only has two seasons. Let's be real we get sunshine, we get a little rain and than we get something in between. This is how it goes 365 days a year for us but you know what I wouldn't have it any other way.

    So how do you mix the two seasons you wear your favorite lightweight dress, pair it with a flannel and some sunnies then head on ova to the nearest pumpkin patch.

    I guess I didn't go to the nearest one but when I was living in Orange County I was near Tanaka Farms. There's just something about going to the the pumpkin patch and being surrounded by bright orange pumpkins and plants that brings a smile to my face. I texted the bestie earlier in the week and asked if she was down so we headed there this past Saturday.

    The weather that weekend was kind of brutal I won't lie. Even in a lightweight dress and a hat I felt like it was still summer. I knew as soon as I got back I was going to want a cat nap. We chilled there about two hours, from getting lost in the corn maze, taking pics, sipping on lemonade and just walking around. Despite the heat we still had fun and I got to take home two mini pumpkins!

    Even though it may be hot around during our "FALL" I think it's still fun to get to go to the places around California that make you feel like you have a chance of Fall. Whether it be the pumpkin patch, getting dressed up in fall gear to get coffee, watching scary movies with friends, or watching it in a movie.

    You just have to make the most of it!













    OUTFIT Deets:

    • Dress: Fashion Q
    • Flannel: GAP
    • Necklace: Vanessa Mooney & Venice Beach jewelry stand
    • Hat: Forever 21
    • Sandals: Fashion Q
    • Sunglasses: Wildfox Couture
    • Purse: Kate Spade
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    Lone Ranger

    I've always thought of myself as the underdog. Growing up I've heard just about every comment that took a jab at my self-confidence. From "Why don't you dress more girly?" to "You're soooooo short" to "You can't do that, you're not like that" to "You're too innocent." The list goes on. Maybe I'm just sensitive? Now I'm not saying any of those comments are wrong or that being anything like those comments is bad. It's the intention behind it is where the problem lies. I felt like where people were coming from when they said these things was to belittle me or make me feel stupid.

    So what if I was or am those things? Would that be a problem to you? I found the more I tried to follow the crowd the unhappier or lost I felt. I've always had a thing for the people who rise above quietly. The people who continue to stay true to themselves no matter what the status quo thinks. More than likely it's the people who are quick to make comments or put others down are the insecure ones. It took many years to be confident in who I was and accept myself for who I am. I would not trade that for the world.

    I feel like as the underdog I always find it more rewarding when you beat the odds and people around you had no idea you could do it. The moments where you feel like giving up but you push through the difficulties. The moments of no matter how stupid you look doing something you love you still don't care. Even no matter how many people talk down about your passions or hobbies. I love stories of success and people becoming who they really are. Which is what is leading me to continue to write my first feature! I won't lie there are still days I feel weak and useless but trust me we are capable of making our dreams come true. We just got to keep fighting the fight and keep focusing on the prize.

    I would like to give a shout out to those who don't care what others think, the ones that don't care about status, the ones who aren't afraid to be themselves! Team Underdog keep on keeping on!






    Outfit Deets:

    1. Top: FASHION Q




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    Sunny Daze in LA...Part 1

    Summer is here my friends! One of my favorite seasons and if you live in So Cal it's pretty much summer every day. Growing up in California my whole life I always forget people get real seasons. I would like to experience that one day but until then Summer do your thang ;)

    This past Saturday I got to go on an adventure with the boy! He knows how much I love random adventures so he decided to take me to Malibu. I had thee best time and I will share more of my pics in the next two blogs. So knowing that I was going to the beach I made sure to bring a swimsuit, sunblock, change of clothes, sunnies, etc for a long day. Now I love to be spontaneous but I also love to be prepared so pack light but just right is my saying. I just made that up but hey let's roll with it because it is true.

    Let's just say I had a blast and it got me thinking were already a few weeks into summer and I want to make sure this is one I don't forget! So with that thought in mind I give you my summer bucket list as promised!

    1. FINISH my first feature script!!! "F.S." has been a long time coming and I need to just sit down and finish it!
    2. Join more actor groups/blogger met ups. Nothing is more inspiring than sharing acting/blogger stories with like minded peeps.
    3. Really get back in touch with my juicing side. I LOVE juicing and I plan on sharing my recipes with you all!
    4. Finish a workout challenge! I love Blogilates, Tone It Up, and BBG but have yet to compete a workout plan. This summer I am ready to get back into the best shape of my life. Not to mention stay in a healthy mindset. Any progress is progress right? I mean my motto is "To Live Good"
    5. Go on a road trip to Big Sur. It just looks so gorgeous and my boy has been wanting to go for a long time now!
    7. Be more adventurous with my hair! I love having long hair but I barely wear it any other style. This is more of a life bucket list but summer to me is about taking risks and new beginnings so let's start here.
    8. VLOG more!!! I blame my computer and inability to figure out how to convert my GoPro videos to edit of my lack of recent videos. I will find way to get more videos up! I promise!
    9. Take more pictures! I love photography and would love to make a coffee table book one day of all my pictures. Do I smell a photography trip coming up in the near future?
    10. Whip out the fashion side! I hope plan to print out more TLG shirts this summer!! Also sew more fashion pieces.
    11. Spend more time with loved ones! Quality over quantity!
    12. Save money!!!!!! Also, Pay off half my debt!
    13. Be more grateful!!!
    14. Watch more classic movies. What is a better way to sharpen my acting skills than learn from some of the best?
    15. Learn how to swim...Yeah I said it. I am adult who still doesn't know how to swim...eek!
    16. Spend less time on social media. Not everything should be shared with the world so I'll keep a little mystery. (We'll see how this one goes)
    17. Adventure around LA more!
    18. Go on a Hollywood Tour. This is touristy af but I've been wanting to go on one forever.
    19. Host a brunch or dinner at my place.
    20. Go to the OC Fair
    21. Find a classic rock bar...STAT
    22. Dance/Attend more concerts/festivals (I have three coming up so it just might happen!)
    23. Hike more!
    24. Take more risks!
    25. Be the happiest I can be!

    What are you summer goals?! If you have any fun plans comment on my IG or my blog and let me know :)









    Outfit Deets!

    • Bikini Top (ROCKY TOP $88.00) & Bikini Bottoms (I forget the style name but I believe these were around $80) I got them at a sample sale so the prices listed previously are what they actually retail at. My bathing suit is by my absolute favorite swim brand L*SPACE. Not to mention they are located in Orange County! Discover my obsession over at L*SPACE SWIM
    • Shorts are from Fashion Qrew/Q. I bought these babies for $19.95! FASHION QREW
    • Sunglasses are from...I'm sure if you know me or read my blog you can already take a wild guess. I mean I only rock the best right, WILDFOX COUTURE. Well that's only half true half of my shades are Wildfox the other half is from wherever I see cute sunnies. Come on I'm not that brand name everything ;) This style is in FLEUR at $199 WILDFOX SUN in FLEUR
    • BEACH TOWEL is by you guessed it, WILDFOX COUTURE. Retailing at $110 but currently sold out. Sorry babes! Best Friends Beach Towel
    • Necklace is from Franchesca's I got it for$20. It's not on their website but find more beauts on their site. Plus hello BOGO half off right now. Cheowwww Get them Deals!!!!


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    Hello, Is it Tea you're looking for?

    Call me cheesy but I'm a sucker for puns. The cheesier the better in my opinion. If life is too serious than what are we living for? I love to have a good time and if good times involve tea or boba than count me in!

    Alfred Coffee has been one of my favorite coffee shops if not my favorite coffee shop excluding the chains like Starbucks or Coffee Bean. So when I heard they were opening up Alfred Tea I knew I had to give it a try. Plus all their advertising/branding is too cute and so Instagram worthy! What I love about tea is that I find it relaxing and the different flavors are paired great for different occasions. Tea is also more calming whereas I feel drinking coffee is more lively which brings out my more creative/energetic side. Tea I will say always gives me that surprise kick of energy kind of like, "Hey! Just when you forgot about me!"

    If you're ever in LA or if you live in LA I highly suggest you check Alfred Tea and Alfred Coffee out! I got the Matcha Green Tea boba with coconut milk and let me tell you, I will be back soon! What I loved was how smooth the tea was.  It was a little on the pricer side for about $6 but my boyfriend paid so let me give a shout out to him! We make the perfect match-ya. (told you I love puns!)

    Go check them out kiddies: Alfred Tea












    Outfit details:

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    Steps & steps...

    Helllllllooo Shhhhhluvers!

    Boy does it feel good to be back in blogger world. 2016 has been a weird year thus far but I'm gonna keep on going. You know that saying when it rains, it pours. Well let's just say I've been walking around a flood lately. (cue dramatic song)

    But.... you know what with a little bit of rain or lots of rain I should say comes sunshine. I know God has a bigger plan for me and that what I want may not always be good for me which is why things change. So instead of dwelling in this sadness/confusion I search for the positivity in any situation thrown my way. It's okay to cry too and be angry but don't let situations rule over your life or people to determine your happiness. You were made perfect and don't let anyone tell you otherwise.

    So if you're feeling any blues, just know you were made special and what seems like a bad day will eventually fade. Just think about how many previous bad days you had before and what a blur they are now.

    If you're reading this I hope you have a great day and hope you are happy!






    ***BTW...Does anyone recognize this building?! I'll give you a hint..."HEY GIRL, Whatcha doing" "who's that girl?!" If you don't know, it's the building that they live in on the show NEW GIRL with  Zooey Deschanel! I totally geeked out on the building while shooting these blog photos! If you don't watch New Girl please do yourself a favor and watch it now on Netflix! Seasons 1-4 are up and are hilarious! #schmidthappens

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    Because weekends were made for FUN!

    If there's anything I know about life it's that I love the weekend! Something about the feeling of knowing the weekend is coming up really brings a smile to my face (for obvious reasons of course!)

    It's the feeling of feeling F-R-E-E and knowing that you can do anything in those two days of freedom. Which usually ends up being errands....but hey it's life and you make what you can of it.

    As an adult or whatever you would like to call these 20 something year old years I find myself scheduling more stuff into my schedule. Let's face it with every year comes more responsibilities and with MO MONEY there's MO PROBLEMS (Notorious B.I.G. had a point there) It's a bit squarish to live off a schedule but as long as I can at least schedule some fun in than I am game! Plus I love a good challenge of getting everything done in a limited time span.

    With summer around the corner and basically happening in LA right now, I've decided to rock some skirts lately. Growing up a tom boy you would never catch me in a skirt EVER! You would never even catch me in any other color except blue, which I guess teal is very close but my closet screams lots of patterns in colors nowadays....Woo! (We all have those awkward younger days....amiright?!) Anyways...I am going to start making a Summer Bucket list which I will share with you all next blog! This summer I plan to make it one for the books plus add some memorable looks to this dear blog of mine! I can't wait to see what this summer holds for me! I'm crossing my fingers that there will be more beach days in the future!

    I guess only time will tell....SUMMER 2016 I AM READY FOR YOU!


    ***Also shout out to Alberto Munoz Photography for taking these kick ass pics for my blog!***

    Photo by Alberto Munoz Photography







    Hat: Bought my hat off ebay (random I know) but find one here at: WOOL HAT AT H&M

    Top: Got my at Fashion Qrew but find similar tops here: Graphic Tees OR here: Graphic Tees

    Necklace: Found mine at: Y-Necklaces or Bolo Necklace

    Denim Jacket: Denim Jacket @ H&M

    Sunglasses: Wildfox! I'm obsessed have like 6 pairs...oops! WILDFOX SUN

    Skirt: Forever 21...They're out of black but find other colors here: Forever 21 button down skirt

    Boots: Steve Madden. They're on SALE now! Orabela from Steve Madden


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