How is already 2019? Can someone please slow time down a bit? 

I mean I’m here for it but I can’t believe 2018 was over within a blink of an eye. So when a new year comes around you know what that means! Setting New Years Resolutions! I am all about them and I understand they’re not everyone’s cup of tea. It’s intimidating to set so many goals and not be disappointed when they don’t happen. I’ve been there before but I’m ready to go for what I want in life full force this time around. I saw a quote on Pinterest that I really liked. It said Mondays are just Mini New Years. So I want to apply this mindset every week moving forward. 

I thought I would share some of my resolutions with you guys because I mean that’s the way to stay accountable. Please do not shame me if I fail though. I’m just a girl standing in front of her goals trying to accomplish them you feel me?

  1. I am going to book a minimum of 7 acting gigs
  2. I will join SAG-AFTRA
  3. I will finish my screenplay and film it this year. 
  4. I will lose 15-20 pounds by continuing to live a healthier lifestyle
  5. I will blog a minimum of 3 times a month
  6. I will get better at photography
  7. Read a Chapter of the Bible each day
  8. Pray 2 times a day for at least 15 minutes
  9. Be more outgoing
  10. Make a new friend in LA
  11. Lower my debt by $10000
  12. Be a better wife. I feel like I am a good wife already (just saying) but I would love to be an even better one. Whether it be giving up my stubbornness in certain situations or practicing his love language more.
  13. Cook Dinner once a week
  14. Be Happy 

I think that is about it for now…. 😉 What are some of your resolutions?

Solvang, CA